Navigate the complex path to compliance, accelerate your time to market, 并通过im体育APP尖端的物联网测试服务和物联网认证解锁全球物联网网络. 


What is IoT testing and certification? 

物联网测试和认证包括评估物联网设备的功能, 表演, 安全, 互操作性, compliance to ensure they meet industry standards, 监管要求, 以及终端用户的期望. 根据你打算在哪里销售产品,你的设备需要测试的具体类型和测试期间需要满足的参数将有所不同. The process typically includes testing your IoT devices' hardware, 软件, 连接, 数据处理能力以及评估它们与不同网络和协议的兼容性. 然后通过认证过程验证物联网设备是否符合既定的标准和法规, 确保可靠性, 安全, market readiness for deployment and use.


Benefits of IoT testing and certification with im体育APP

  • Accelerate time to market: With expertise across a wide range of device types and industries, we have extensive capabilities to provide the testing you need. 我们的 experts help clarify your testing options, provide guidance on which technologies are best suited to your needs, deliver dependable results with fast turnaround times, getting you to market quicker. 
  • Uphold Regulations and Expand Globally: im体育APP提供全面的合规保证服务,指导您在竞争激烈的国际市场中应对复杂的监管挑战. 我们支持的全球市场准入策略使您能够在保持合规性和可靠性的同时扩展到国际市场. With certification support 咨询服务, 我们帮助您保持竞争力,并成为您所在im体育平台app下载的全球参与者.
  • Protect against 安全 vulnerabilities: Identify and address any vulnerabilities early, with our comprehensive 安全 testing services, including 安全 testing, penetration testing (simulated attack), 咨询服务. 降低物联网设备将漏洞引入现有基础设施的风险, 保护你的客户, maintain network integrity. 
  • 确保互操作性: 确保您的物联网设备能够与其他设备和网络无缝集成并进行通信. im体育APP提供了 互操作性测试 to the latest ecosystem device level, 有助于防止生态系统碎片化,创造更顺畅的产品交互, regardless of the manufacturer. 
  • 保持可靠的: 模拟真实世界的场景和测试现场网络环境,以确保您的物联网设备在各种压力下可靠地运行. im体育APP的可靠性和可伸缩性测试服务有助于将这些发现转化为可操作的性能改进, optimizing the reliability of your devices. 


Advanced testing facilities

您的物联网设备将在我们先进的测试设施中接受精确和全面的评估. 我们最先进的测试实验室采用最新的混响室技术, we provide flexible testing capabilities tailored to your needs. Beyond the traditional anechoic and semi-anechoic chambers, 我们的设备可以在各种模拟的真实世界场景中对您的设备进行全面测试. Utilizing extensive protocol knowledge, 我们确保正确的设置和配置,以在测试期间充分锻炼您的设备, providing reliable results and helping you make informed decisions.


Maximize time-to-market efficiency

加速您的物联网设备的上市时间,并抓住新兴市场的机会与我们的可扩展, custom testing solutions and state-of-the-art facilities. 我们全面的服务确保了高效的产品开发和可靠的性能, from early-stage qualification to live network testing. 我们的早期鉴定(ESQ)专家指导您的设计决策, preventing compliance issues and costly delays. We conduct end-to-end testing in live networks, 确保快速, reliable connections for your IoT devices. 



Technical Director - Regulatory Approvals


IOT testing and IOT certification capabilities  


  • 蜂窝无线电
  • 无线网络设备
  • 射频识别装置
  • 无线个域网设备
  • 蓝牙设备
  • BLE (Bluetooth Low 能源) Devices



  • 功能测试
  • 性能测试
  • 互操作性测试
  • 协议测试
  • 探索性测试
  • 应用程序测试
  • 安全性测试
  • 软件测试
  • 可用性测试
  • Over The Air (OTA) measurements
  • 渗透测试
  • 兼容性测试
  • Reliability and scalability testing
  • 用于测试
  • 无线共存
  • 现网测试


IoT certification services

Where required, we integrate your IoT testing with relevant EMC, 广播, 安全, 特别行政区 standards applicable to your device's wireless 功能. 我们的 Global Market Access (GMA) 团队就获得必要认证的最佳遵从性路线提出建议.



With numerous technologies claiming IoT access, 确保您的设备与现有基础设施成功集成会影响测试成本和终端市场费用. 我们的 咨询服务 防止法规遵从失败,缩短上市时间,并最大限度地减少昂贵的重新设计和重新测试.


Specialist testing – IIoT (Industry 4.0)

im体育APP’s IoT experts are specialists in IIoT. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), also known as Industry 4.0 or "smart manufacturing", integrates smart digital technology, 机器学习, 利用大数据加强制造业和供应链管理领域的互联互通和运营. 与传统物联网不同, IIoT emphasizes machine-to-machine communication, 利用认知技术和人工智能进行自主决策, 由此产生了从家务到复杂的后勤操作等一系列应用. 随着机器承担更多决策角色,安全变得至关重要. im体育APP collaborates with standards bodies, im体育平台app下载论坛, manufacturers to ensure IIoT devices meet safety, 功能, 并且互操作性标准通过严格的测试和认证服务.



As a leading provider within the TIC sector, with various A2LA and UKAS accreditations across our many facilities, 我们确保遵守各种无线标准和监管要求. 我们的 engaged experts can conduct live network testing, 确保在各种条件下的快速通信和可靠连接. 另外, our 咨询服务 provide invaluable guidance, reducing time-to-market and minimizing costly redesigns.

With our comprehensive testing coverage, state-of-the-art facilities, 以及协议专业知识, im体育APP offers unparalleled support for your wireless devices, making us a trusted partner for your IoT testing needs. im体育APP多样化的测试能力意味着您的测试计划也可以无缝地集成其他相关的EMC, 广播, safety and 特别行政区 standards testing as needed, saving you time and money.

了解更多信息 关于im体育APP and to discuss your project requirements or explore our custom testing 立即im体育APP


  • 无线个域网认证
  • Ecosystem 互操作性测试
  • Openhome认证
  • 康卡斯特的生态系统
  • Icontrol生态系统
  • 这个公司生态系统
  • Controlscope 认证
  • 通用电气的生态系统
  • 酒店的生态系统   
  • Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT)
  • Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) 
  • CTIA Over the Air (OTA) testing
  • RF Exposure assessment, including 特别行政区
  • FCC, ISED, ETSI, MIC testing and certification

RED and FCC Compliance for IOT Devices

Learn more with our live webinar recording on the RED and FCC认证 实现智能物联网设备的CE和FCC认证.


5G New 广播 - 广播 Access 技术 for 5G

5G allows service providers to customize wireless 连接, a feature that is important to how the Internet of Things operates. 5G同样擅长处理机器对机器(M2M)和人与人之间的通信.


Helpful tips for improving internet speed and 连接

随着越来越多的人在家工作,网络连接可能很慢或断断续续. Here are some tips to improve your connection.



IoT Cyber安全 认证

IoT Cyber安全 认证


Wireless Coexistence 测试 640 x 480

Wireless Coexistence 测试




im体育APP提供广泛的服务,帮助您获得Zigbee认证. 我们可以帮助您了解法律法规,并提供支持您向Zigbee联盟提交认证所需的测试


咨询 Services for 广播 产品s

im体育APP在您到达测试和批准阶段之前提供有关法规要求的指导, 支持您从开始到结束-我们确保您获得第一次成功.


RFID测试 and 认证 Services

im体育APP为标签等设备的关键标准提供创新的射频识别测试和认证, 读者, 和天线.

480 - x640广播中心- gma

Global Market Access (GMA)



我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.